What did we do:
We carried out a visual inspection of an apartment building for a client. Specifically, there was damage to the concrete supporting beams of the terraces, a common problem with flats built in the 1970s.
With our zoom lens, it was easy to take a detailed picture in order to map out the overall condition of the building. With this information, a renovation file can be estimated much more correctly, which avoids unpleasant surprises during the execution.
During the one-day inspection, all façades were visually inspected and a 3D visualisation with defect annotations was drawn up.
This way, the owner knows exactly where defects are located on the building, which is useful for carrying out maintenance and monitoring.
Afterwards, the customer received a clear report with photos and location indications. In this case, an architectural firm provided further analysis of the damage images.
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Keywords: drone inspection, visual inspection, 3D visualisation, building inspection, renovation
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