A market leading AI asset inspection platform to centrally manage, process with artificial intelligence and provide insights with 3D visualizations of all your asset inspections.






Tank terminals

Container terminals


is the platform to start organizing inspections in one central digital platform.
As a result, the days of paper and PDF reports are entirely a thing of the past.



Asset inspection data is managed per asset and per location/customer in one central location in the cloud.

Key benefits:

  • All sorts of inspection data and documents in one central location
  • A fixed asset structure is used to structure  all inspections
  • All documents are stored in the cloud making sharing with stakeholders easy

Asset inspection data is processed with the help of AI specific trained defect algorithms for steel and concrete defects.

Key benefits: 

  • Execute an inspection up to 2x faster by using AI for defect annotation
  • Visualize and measure defect trends by comparing pictures with AI

Asset inspection data is annotated on a 3D visualization to optimize the usability of the inspection data.

Key benefits:

  • Easy communication between stakeholders about the location of the defects
  • Up to 40% time reduction because of increased search speed

The asset inspection data which is organized in I-Spect can be used to fill the asset management platform with valuable data and vice versa.

Key Benefits:

  • No double input work
  • Both systems can talk with each other without human interaction
  • Always the same asset structure in every system

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Head office

The Beacon, Sint Pietersvliet 7,
B-2000 Antwerp, Belgium