inspection of a port crane

Inspection of a port crane

what did we do:

The inspection of ship-to-shore port cranes is often a time-consuming and dangerous activity. Images need to be captured at heights of 60 meter and more, several times a year. In addition, it is not possible to inspect some spots of the asset, which means that parts of the crane are not monitored. In terms of data analysis, data storage is often a diffuse and decentralized process, which means that overtime evolutions cannot be visualized. By using drones entering hard-to-reach places and working at great heights is limited to an absolute minimum. Moreover, the image data can be coherently captured and processed into useful analysis in an asset inspection  platform. This generates quantitative insights to improve maintenance planning and return on investment of an asset and usage can be extended.

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Keywords: ship-to-shore crane inspection, structure assessment, cracks, weldings, corrosion, connections, drones, artificial intelligence, digital platform